Today is Giving Tuesday! For this year's giving drive, MLI is kicking off a campaign led by K9 Ambassador MDD Rico to sponsor a new mine detection dog - MDD CHAMP. This Tuesday, all donations made to MLI and Rico's Campaign will go toward the $25,000 needed to train, transport, and employ a mine detection dog!
What is a "MDD"?

"MDD" stands for mine detection dog. MLI works to place mine detection dogs in war-torn countries to "sniff out" landmines, aiding in the long, often tedious process of locating and subsequently removing landmines and returning safe, mine-free land for people to live, work, and play.
Why the name CHAMP?

Since the beginning of the CHAMPS (Children Against Mines Program) in 2007, school children across the United States have sponsored 48 mine detection dogs. When a mine detection dog is sponsored, the donor or donating organization is able to name the dog and can follow their progress as they work in the field with their handler. The dog sponsored through Rico's Reach will be named CHAMP in honor of the amazing students who have sponsored mine detection dogs over the years.
Why donate to the MDD CHAMP Campaign this Giving Tuesday?

To save and improve lives!
By making a donation today and beyond, the impact of these hero dogs is great, allowing people to return to their homes, farm their land, and live their lives in safety without the threat of deadly landmines.
How do I donate and help to save and improve lives?
Click Here