CHAMPS Wyoming
The Wyoming Campaign
In September 2003, MLI successfully introduced CHAMPS to the kids of Wyoming under the leadership of Mrs. Diana Enzi, spouse of US Senator Mike Enzi.
The kids learned about the global landmine crisis in Sri Lanka where almost a million landmines threaten the local population and prevent productive use of their land. With that information in their minds and in their hearts, the Wyoming kids kicked their campaign into full gear as they wrote essays, drew posters, made “pooch pouches”, and collected quarters to sponsor their own Mine Detection Dog (MDD) they would name Wyoming.
Thanks to Diana Enzi and the CHAMPS kids, the campaign was a success, MDD Wyoming was fully funded, and was deployed with five other Mine Detection Dogs to Sri Lanka to help recover from their two decades of civil war. The dogs are “sniffing out” landmines, saving lives and returning the Jaffna peninsula in Sri Lanka to its people!