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Alleviating suffering and promoting hope, growth, and stability in war-torn countries

Celebrating The CHAMPS 20th Anniversary (3).png

Celebrating The CHAMPS 20 Year Anniversary

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International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action Day was created in 2005 by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness of and seek assistance for mine action. Celebrated on April 4th, this important day reminds us of the horrible scourge of landmines, the impact of organizations like MLI who work to combat the landmine issue, and the ongoing need for action to create a better, safer world. 

Former MDD Rosa makes a school visit circa (3).png

In honor of International Day of Landmine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action (on April 4th), MLI is proud to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of our Children Against Mines Program (CHAMPS)

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MLI's CHAMPS program targets four key facets: 1. Connecting youth across borders; 2. Engaging people in mine-affected counties in Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE); 3. Providing landmine survivors with medical and vocational assistance; and 4. Sponsoring landmine detection dogs to help sniff out mines in mine-impacted countries.


Through CHAMPS, children from around the world learn about the deadly impact of landmines and work hand in hand with their international peers to become part of the mission to create a mine-free world. Since 2004, CHAMPS has connected youth from 16 U.S. states with students in six countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Colombia, Iraq, Vietnam, and Yemen.

Over the past 20 years, CHAMPS has accomplished so much;

-Aiding more than 1,600 landmine survivors with medical assistance and vocational training

-Reaching over 300,000 people through presentations and fairs

-Providing Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) to over 265,000 people in mine-affected areas

-Sponsoring 50 lifesaving Mine Detection Dogs (MDDs).

In the U.S., MLI staff visit schools and community groups across the U.S. to teach students and young people about landmines and their effects on people in other countries. Through simulated minefield demonstrations with MLI’s Canine Ambassador Rico, students learn about the important work of mine detection dogs. The students initiate CHAMPS campaigns to sponsor their very own MDDs, name the dogs, and receive regular reports on the MDDs' progress "sniffing out mines" and saving lives.

MLI is grateful to the United States Department of State, the Joan Wismer Foundation, sponsors, volunteers, schools, implementing partners, teachers, and students in the United States and abroad who have helped make the CHAMPS program possible. The success of the past 20 year is thanks to your support! 

Former MDD Rosa makes a visit to St. Thomas School (AZ) c. 2006 (1).png

The youth engage with their international peers in mine-impacted countries through monthly video conferences.  Students not only learn about each other but also work together to engage with landmine survivors, hearing their stories and providing them with support.

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Honoring MLI's Founder
General (Ret.) Gordon R. Sullivan

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General Sullivan poses with his sponsored mine detection dog "MDD Sully"

It is with a heavy heart that the Marshall Legacy Institute (MLI) announces the passing of our Founder, General Gordon R. Sullivan, USA Retired.


General Sullivan dedicated his life to serving our great nation and to helping make the world a better and safer place. General Sullivan’s legacy is vast, and his accomplishments are many. Through his service as 32nd Chief of Staff of the United States Army, President of the Association of the U.S. Army, distinguished alumnus and Chairman of Norwich University, his work with the CNA Military Advisory Board, and most personally, in his role as an American soldier, General Sullivan positively influenced lives both at home and abroad.


As our Founder, General Sullivan remained fundamental to MLI for 26 years. It is thanks to his foresight and leadership that our non-profit organization has continued our work to improve conditions in war-torn countries around the world. For 26 years, we have carried out General Sullivan’s vision to promote hope, growth, and stability globally: providing hero K9s to sniff out landmines and save lives in pursuit of a landmine-free world, delivering education to help prevent landmine injuries, and supporting landmine survivors injured by these hidden killers.


We are honored to have had the opportunity to work alongside General Sullivan in his role as our Founder and as long-serving Chairman of the MLI Board of Directors, stepping down from his post just at the end of 2022. It is with great sadness, and gratitude, that we move forward, resolved to carry out General Sullivan’s vision to help make this world a better place.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations to the Marshall Legacy Institute,

a charity founded by General Sullivan.


Our Mission

The Marshall Legacy Institute (MLI) was founded by General Gordon R. Sullivan in 1997 in an effort to extend the vision & legacy of Nobel Peace Laureate George C. Marshall. MLI’s mission is to locate, secure, and apply skills and resources to alleviate suffering, restore hope, and create conditions that nurture stability in countries affected by conflict.

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MLI's humanitarian work would not be possible without the generous support of our donors. Since 1997, MLI has donated 300 mine detection dogs to sniff out landmines in war-torn countries, supported over 2,000 landmine survivors with medical and vocational assistance, and provided mine risk education to around 265,500 people in mine impacted countries. It is thanks to charitable foundations, grants, the U.S. Government, and countless individual donors that MLI continues to follow our mission, alleviating suffering, restoring hope, and providing stability to war-torn countries year after year. 

Thank You!


Our Programs

MLI believes in targeted, effective programs that build sustainability, increase capacity of local organizations, and help communities help themselves. MLI programs are a collaborative effort between the people of the United States and the country involved – check out our Where We Work page to read more about country-specific projects.

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